] Around Columbia: סוכות (Sukkot) in Columbia

Monday, October 12, 2009

סוכות (Sukkot) in Columbia

Sukkot , in Hebrew סוכות, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, is one of the three pilgrim festivals (when ancient Jews would visit the temple in Jerusalem) and lasts for seven days.  It occurs  between late September and late October in the secular calendar.  In the Jewish calendar it occurs on the 15th of Tishrei after the High Holy Days (Rosh Hasannah and then Yom Kippur).  Some scholars believe that Sukkot was the model for the Pilgrim celebration of Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite holiday.

sukkah, is a booth or hut which observant Jews "dwell" in during the holiday and it is considered a great mitzvah to have guest.This year we had over twelve guests who came to eat, rest, study, or just mediate at various times in our sukkah, and we came periously close to running out of room.  I am even thinking of buying a bigger sukkah for next year. Our sukkah is made from a kit and we set it up on our driveway, but many people build their own and it is not expensive to do so.


Many of our neighbors asked about our "tent" and I was happy to explain to them what it really was and the significance of the holiday.


Next year, God willing, I am hoping to have over twenty guest!  Columbia is not the Jewish wasteland that it once was.


Ray-Shea said...

I came to your blog by way of a link my friend posted to your entry on Pinnacles Youth Park. I didn't know it existed, so thanks for the tip-off!

But this entry really caught my attention. I'm interested in the meaning Judaism has to my friends--and now to my partner's family. Thank you for the photos; I've never seen a sukkah, and have been curious what they look like in practice. What a great way to spend time with family and community!

Makes me want to have a party and camp in a tent in my yard for a week. (Though, come to think of it, that may be more hazardous in my neighborhood: the edge of the North Village, near Douglass Park.) But I think that I really will start my own blog about "my" Columbia. It would be cool to have a collection of perspectives, don't you think? Inspired!

Mike Perkins said...

Do your own blog! Everyone has access to a different world and everyone has a different interpretation of that world. The key is persistence.

Succos is my favorite holiday. I will be doing an update soon for this year. We moved and although our location is not as good, on the grass rather than the driveway, we put up our little booth.

Unknown said...

I just happened on your blog and am pleased to have done so. My family and I have relocated to Jefferson City due to a job transfer. We attend the local Temple here which is a BIG change from being in the St Louis Jewish community. I have a blog as well and have recently posted a pic of our own Sukkah. I have enjoyed your posts and am going to add it to my reading list. You can find my blog @ http://jeffjudaism.blogspot.com/

Chag Sukkot Sameach!